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Damage-repair model for mutagenic effects of plant induced by ionizing radiation

Li Duo-Fang Cao Tian-Guang Geng Jin-Peng Zhan Yong


Damage-repair model for mutagenic effects of plant induced by ionizing radiation

Li Duo-Fang, Cao Tian-Guang, Geng Jin-Peng, Zhan Yong
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  • The plant mutation effects induced by ionizing radiation involve a rather complex process which is composed of physical, chemical, biochemical and biological stages. Nowadays, although ionizing radiation has been widely used in plant mutation breeding, the theoretical explanations for the mechanism of the ionizing radiation caused plant mutation effects are insufficient. Especially, a saddle shape relationship between the plant survival rate and radiation dose is found in the mutagenis effect of ionizing radiation on plants. The underlying mechanism of the saddle shape relationship remains unclear and challenges to all extant models.To explain this relationship, a damage-repair model for the plant mutation effects induced by ionizing radiation is proposed in the present work. Our model is based on the rate theory of ionizing radiation in which the cell damage and repair are taken into account simultaneously together with the micro-and macro-biological mutation effects of plant caused by ionizing radiation. The states of the radiated plant individuals are grouped into three categories: normal, damaged and lethal categories in our model. The evolution dynamics of the relative concentrations of the three categories are determined by a set of coupled equations which are mathematically the same as the Crow-Kimura equations in species evolution theories. With the numerical solution of our model in its steady state, the relative steady state concentration distributions of different categories of the radiated plants with increasing radiation dose are obtained. It is shown that without the plant repair effect, the relationship between the plant survival rate and radiation dose appears to be a conventional shoulder type one. With the plant repair effect, our model gives a saddle shape survival-dose relationship which has been observed commonly in the experiments on the radiated plants by ionizing radiation. To further test the model, the experimental data on the inbred lines of maizes radiated by heavy ion 7Li are used to determine the parameters of the model. It is shown that the theoretical results are basically consistent with the experimental ones. In addition, the mutation characteristic of the survival plants also appears to be a saddle effect-dose relationship, for which the theoretical model could also give a reasonable explanation. Our damage-repair model explains the saddle shape relationship between the plant survival rate and radiation dose, which indeed illuminates its power. And it provides a theoretical basis and reference for studying the biological effect mechanism of plants induced by ionizing radiation and conducting ionizing radiation plant breeding.
      Corresponding author: Zhan Yong,
    • Funds: Project supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Hebei Province, China (Grant No. C2013202192).

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    Geng J P, Cao T G, Li D F, An H L, Han Y R, Li J, Hu J S, Li N N, Zhan Y 2014 Chin. Phys. Lett. 31 038701


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    Yang Y N, Liu C L, Wang Y K, Xue J M 2013 Mutat. Res. 751 24


    Sato Y, Hirashi T, Hayashi Y, Kasahara M, Fukunishi N, Abe T, Kawano S 2014 Radiat. Chem. Biol. 47 300


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    Chadwick K H, Leenhouts H P 1973 Phys. Med. Biol. 18 78


    Kellerer A M, Rossi H H 1978 Radia. Res. 75 471


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    Meyn R E, Withers H R 1980 Radiation Biology in Cancer Research (New York: Raven Press) p195


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    Friedrich T, Scholz U, Elsasser T, Durante M, Scholz M 2012 J. Radiat. Res. 54 1


    Mirzaie-Joniani H, Eriksson D, Sheikholvaezin A, Johansson A, Löfroth P O, Johansson L, Stigbrand T 2002 Cancer 94 1210


    Pathak R, Dey S K, Sarma A, Khudabukhsh A R 2007 Mutat. Res. 632 58


    Baake E, Baake M, Wagner H 1997 Phys. Rev. E 7 83 559


    Geng J P, Li D F, Cao T G, Wang X Z, Li J, Chen Y F, Han Y R, Hu J S, Li N N, An H L, Zhan Y, Sui L, Kong F Q, Wu Y F 2014 Res. Crop. 15 71


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  • [1]

    Muller H J 1928 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 14 714


    Tanaka A, Shikazono N, Hase Y 2010 J. Radiat. Res. 51 223


    Ma S, Li W J, Zhou L B, Yu L X, Dong X C 2007 J. Nucl. Agric. Sci. 21 4 378 (in Chinese) [马爽, 李文建, 周利斌, 余丽霞, 董喜存 2007 核农学报 4 378]


    Liu L X, Guo H J, Zhao L S, Li J H, Gu J Y, Zhao S R, Wang J 2009 J. Nucl. Agric. Sci. 23 1001 (in Chinese) [刘录祥, 郭会君, 赵林姝, 李军辉, 古佳玉, 赵世荣, 王晶 2009 核农学报 23 1001]


    Tang Z X, Liu Z F, Shao J M, Gong Y X 2005 J. Nucl. Agric. Sci. 19 312 (in Chinese) [唐掌雄, 刘志芳, 邵俊明, 龚胤昕 2005 核农学报 19 312]


    Scaldaferro M A, Prina A R, Moscone E A, Kwasniewska J 2013 Appl. Radiat. Isotopes 79 103


    Xia S X 1998 Radiobiology (Beijin: Military Medical Science Press) p11 (in Chinese) [夏寿萱 1998 放射生物学(北京: 军事医学科学出版社) p11]


    Li P, Li X H, Zhang F, Qiu D L 2008 J. Nucl. Agric. Sci. 22 5 626 (in Chinese) [李鹏, 李新华, 张锋, 邱登林 2008 核农学报 5 626]


    Geng J P, Cao T G, Li D F, An H L, Han Y R, Li J, Hu J S, Li N N, Zhan Y 2014 Chin. Phys. Lett. 31 038701


    Luo Z M, Gou C J, Wolfram L 2003 Chin. Phys. B 12 080306


    Dong X C, Li W J 2012 Adv. Spac. Res. 50 496


    Mondello C, Smirnova A, Giulotto E 2010 Mutat. Res. 704 29


    Le Cam L 1992 Math. Biosci. 112 261


    Yang G L, Swenberg C 1991 Math. Scientist 16 46


    Liu Z Q, Gu W B, Li W J 2012 Agr. Sci. Tech. 13 2257


    Yang Y N, Liu C L, Wang Y K, Xue J M 2013 Mutat. Res. 751 24


    Sato Y, Hirashi T, Hayashi Y, Kasahara M, Fukunishi N, Abe T, Kawano S 2014 Radiat. Chem. Biol. 47 300


    Lea D E, Morrison P 1955 Phys. Today 8 14


    Chadwick K H, Leenhouts H P 1973 Phys. Med. Biol. 18 78


    Kellerer A M, Rossi H H 1978 Radia. Res. 75 471


    Esnault M A, Legue F, Chenal C 2010 Environ. Exp. Bot. 68 231


    Narendra T, Mohan B S, Mithilesh K M, Prem L B, Renu T 2001 Crit. Rev. Biochem. Mol. 36 4 337


    Meyn R E, Withers H R 1980 Radiation Biology in Cancer Research (New York: Raven Press) p195


    Curtis S B 1986 Radiat. Res. 106 252


    Manabe Y, Nakamura I, Bando M 2014 J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 83 114003


    Manabe Y, Kento I, Bando M 2012 J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 81 104004


    Saakian D B, Hu C K 2004 Phys. Rev. E 69 046121


    Dalmau J 2015 Stoch. Proc. Appl. 125 272


    Ryuichi O. 2012 Int. J. Cancer 130 991


    Friedrich T, Scholz U, Elsasser T, Durante M, Scholz M 2012 J. Radiat. Res. 54 1


    Mirzaie-Joniani H, Eriksson D, Sheikholvaezin A, Johansson A, Löfroth P O, Johansson L, Stigbrand T 2002 Cancer 94 1210


    Pathak R, Dey S K, Sarma A, Khudabukhsh A R 2007 Mutat. Res. 632 58


    Baake E, Baake M, Wagner H 1997 Phys. Rev. E 7 83 559


    Geng J P, Li D F, Cao T G, Wang X Z, Li J, Chen Y F, Han Y R, Hu J S, Li N N, An H L, Zhan Y, Sui L, Kong F Q, Wu Y F 2014 Res. Crop. 15 71


    Shao C L, Yu Z L 1997 Nucl. Tech. 20 423 (in Chinese) [邵春林, 余增亮 1997 核技术 20 7 423]


    Han R F, Wu Y J, Bian B, Wang R F 2009 Nucl. Phys. Rev. 26 352 (in Chinese) [韩荣飞, 吴跃进, 卞波, 王荣富 2009 原子核物理评论 26 352]

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  • Received Date:  16 July 2015
  • Accepted Date:  02 September 2015
  • Published Online:  05 December 2015

