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Artificial micro- and nano-structure enhanced long and very long-wavelength infrared detectors

Ge Hao-Nan Xie Run-Zhang Guo Jia-Xiang Li Qing Yu Yi-Ye He Jia-Le Wang Fang Wang Peng Hu Wei-Da


Artificial micro- and nano-structure enhanced long and very long-wavelength infrared detectors

Ge Hao-Nan, Xie Run-Zhang, Guo Jia-Xiang, Li Qing, Yu Yi-Ye, He Jia-Le, Wang Fang, Wang Peng, Hu Wei-Da
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • The infrared detectors own the ability to convert information carried by photons radiated by objects into electrical signals, which broadens the horizons of human beings observing the natural environment and human activities. At present, long and very long-wavelength infrared detections have many applications in atmospheric monitoring, biological spectroscopy, night vision, etc. As the demand for high-performance infrared detectors grows rapidly, it is difficult for traditional infrared detectors to arrive at performance indicators such as high response rate, high response speed, and multi-dimensional detection. The artificial structure designed based on micro- and nano-optics can be coupled with infrared photons efficiently, and control the degrees of freedom of infrared light fields such as amplitude, polarization, phase, and wavelength comprehensively. The systems integrated by infrared detectors and artificial micro- and nano-photonic structures provide additional controllable degrees of freedom for infrared detectors. And they are expected to achieve high quantum efficiency and other merits such as high response rate, excellent polarization, and wavelength selectivity. In this review paper, the research progress of the application of artificial micro- and nano-structure in the long and very long-wavelength infrared bands is presented; the advantages, disadvantages, and the application status of different mechanisms are described in detail, which include surface plasmon polaritons, localized surface plasmon, resonant cavity structure, photon-trapping structure, metalens, spoof surface plasmon, gap plasmon, and phonon polariton. In addition, the development prospect and direction of artificial micro- and nano-structure in long-wave and very long-wave infrared devices are further pointed out.
      Corresponding author: Xie Run-Zhang, ; Wang Peng, ; Hu Wei-Da,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2020YFB2009300), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 62122081, 62134009), the Natural Science Foundation of Shanghai, China (Grant No. 22ZR1472500), and the Youth Innovation Promotion Association, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

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  • 图 1  人工微纳结构增强长波及甚长波红外探测器的几种主要机制及特点

    Figure 1.  Major mechanisms and main features of artificial micro- and nano-structures for long- and very-long-wavelength infrared detector enhancement.

    图 2  (a) SPP与介质中传输模的色散关系, k1xk2x分别表示在SPP色散曲线在频率ω1(可见光波段)与ω2(红外光波段)处的水平波矢; (b) 频率ω1处, 传输模在介质中沿着x方向传播的电场示意图; (c) 频率ω1处SPP模式的电场示意图; (d) 频率ω2处, 传输模在介质中沿着x方向传播的电场示意图; (e) 频率ω2处, SPP模式在界面处的电场示意图; (f) Re[kx] 和Im[kz] 曲线示意图

    Figure 2.  (a) Dispersion relation of SPP and propagation mode in the dielectric, k1x and k2x are the wave vector along the x-direction at frequency ω1 and ω2 on the SPP dispersion curve, respectively; (b) illustration of electric field of propagation mode in the dielectric along the x-direction at frequency ω1; (c) illustration of electric field of SPP mode at frequency ω1; (d) illustration of electric field of propagation mode in dielectric along the x-direction at frequency ω2; (e) illustration of electric field of SPP mode at frequency ω2; (f) schematic of relationship curves of Re[kx] and Im[kz].

    图 3  (a) 混合等离激元结构的石墨烯红外探测器示意图[31]; (b) 小孔纳米天线放大图[31]; (c) 光栅结构示意图; (d) 纳米天线和狭缝示意图[31]; (e) SPP增强超薄二类超晶格探测器示意图[33]; (f) 顶部为势垒阻挡型超薄红外探测器, 底部为二类超晶格能带结构[33]; (g) 探测器及其中不同材料的吸收谱, 插图为 |Hy| 在光电探测器内分布[33]

    Figure 3.  (a) Schematic of graphene infrared detector with a hybrid plasmonic structure[31]; (b) details of the aperture nanoantenna[31]; (c) schematic of grating structure[31]; (d) schematic of nanoantenna and slit[31]; (e) schematic of SPP enhanced ultrathin type-II superlattice detector[33]; (f) top: nBn ultra-thin infrared detectors, bottom: band structure of type-II superlattices[33]; (g) absorption spectrums of the detector and the respective material layers in the detector. Inset shows the |Hy| distribution of the detector[33].

    图 4  (a) Backside-configured等离激元结构单元器件示意图[35]; (b) backside-configured等离激元结构焦平面阵列的部分像元俯视图[35]

    Figure 4.  (a) Schematic of a pixel with backside-configured plasmonic structure[35]; (b) top view of several pixels in the backside-configured plasmonic structure FPA[35].

    图 5  (a), (b) 结构1示意图及其吸收谱[37]; (c), (d)结构2的示意图及其吸收谱[37]

    Figure 5.  (a), (b) Schematic and absorption spectrum of structure 1[37]; (c), (d) schematic and absorption spectrum of structure 2[37]

    图 6  (a) 带有金等离激元结构的HgSe量子点探测器制备方法[43]; (b) 不同等离激元圆盘阵列半径下的增强比[43]; (c) 石墨烯与氧化钒异质结构红外探测器示意图[47]; (d) 氧化钒为绝缘相时, 不同费米能级的石墨烯探测器吸收谱[47]; (e) 氧化钒为金属相时, 不同费米能级的石墨烯探测器吸收谱[47]

    Figure 6.  (a) Preparation methodology of the HgSe quantum dot detector with Au plasmonic structures[43]; (b) enhancement of different plasmonic disk arrays with different radius[43]; (c) schematic of graphene-HfO2 heterostructure infrared detector[47]; (d) absorption spectrum of the graphene detectors at different Fermi levels when vanadium dioxide is in its insulating phase[47]; (e) absorption spectrum of the graphene detectors at different Fermi levels when vanadium dioxide is in its metallic phase[47].

    图 7  (a) TM和TE偏振光的不同耦合行为[51]; (b) 量子阱探测器的扫描电镜图像[51]; (c) 不同偏振角度下量子阱探测器的光电流谱[51]; (d) 光偏振垂直于石墨烯纳米带下, 波长0.8, 5和20 μm时的场强分布[52]

    Figure 7.  (a) Different coupling behavior of TM and TE polarized light[51]; (b) scanning electron microscopy image of the quantum well detector[51]; (c) photocurrent spectrum of the quantum well detector under different polarization angles[51]; (d) field intensity distribution of 0.8, 5, and 20 μm when light polarization perpendicular to graphene nanostrips[52].

    图 8  (a) 优化前的等离激元微腔结构中金属和量子阱吸收谱[59]; (b) 优化后的等离激元微腔结构中金属和量子阱吸收谱[59]; (c) 金属微腔量子阱示意图[24]

    Figure 8.  (a) Absorption spectra of metals and quantum wells in plasmonic microcavity structures before optimization[59]; (b) absorption spectra of metals and quantum wells in plasmonic microcavity structures after optimization[59]; (c) schematic of metal microcavity quantum well[24].

    图 9  (a) MIM量子阱探测器示意图[63]; (b) MIM量子阱探测器和45°耦合的标准量子阱探测器响应谱[63]; (c) 光学方法拓展截止波长的实验值(黑色)和改变材料参数拓展截止波长的计算值(红色)[65]; (d) MIM微腔结构制备流程图[66]

    Figure 9.  (a) Schematic of MIM quantum well detector[63]; (b) responsivity spectrum of MIM and standard 45° coupled quantum well detector[63]; (c) experiment value (black) of optical method and the calculated value (red) of change material parameters traditional method to extend cut-off wavelength[65]; (d) flow chart of fabrication of MIM microcavity structure[66].

    图 10  (a) 碲镉汞陷光结构红外探测器示意图[75]; (b) 中波红外碲镉汞平面结构和陷光结构探测器吸收谱[76]; (c) 长波红外碲镉汞平面结构探测器、无填充介质陷光结构探测器和填充介质陷光结构探测器吸收谱[76]; (d) 基于金属薄膜横向的趋肤传输模式增强碲镉汞探测器吸收示意图[18]; (e) 碲镉汞平面结构、碲镉汞横向传输模式增强的改进结构在7—11 μm的量子效率[18]

    Figure 10.  (a) Schematic of the HgCdTe photon-trapping structure infrared detector[75]; (b) absorption spectrum of mid-wavelength infrared HgCdTe plain structure detector and photon-trapping structure detector[76]; (c) absorption spectrum of long-wavelength infrared HgCdTe plain detector, without dielectric-filled photon-trapping structure detector, and dielectric-filled photon-trapping structure detector[76]; (d) schematic of enhanced absorption of HgCdTe detector based on metal thin film horizontal skin propagation mode[18]; (e) quantum efficiencies of HgCdTe plain structure and HgCdTe advanced structure with lateral transmission mode enhancement at 7–11 μm[18].

    图 11  (a) 超透镜集成的长波红外探测器示意图[84]; (b) 有无超透镜结构的长波红外探测在不同光敏面积下的吸收比[84]; (c) 超透镜长波红外探测器在8—14 μm吸收谱[84]

    Figure 11.  (a) Schematic of metalens integrate with long-wavelength infrared detector[84]; (b) absorptance of long-wavelength infrared detectors with and without metalens under different photosensitive areas[84]; (c) absorptance of infrared detectors with metalens at 8–14 μm[84].

    图 12  (a) 完美电导体表面的一维凹槽阵列示意图, 凹槽参数为宽度a、厚度h和周期 d [21]; (b) 各向异性的有效介质代替凹槽阵列的示意图[21]; (c) a/d = 0.2和h/d = 1时所激发的表面束缚波的色散关系[86]; (d) 二维金属小孔阵列增强量子阱探测器示意图[86]; (e) 有二维金属小孔阵列和无二维金属小孔阵列量子点红外探测器红外响应[86]; (f) 9.39 μm处小孔附近的电场分布[86]

    Figure 12.  (a) Schematic of a one-dimensional groove array on the surface of a perfect electrical conductor, the groove parameter is width a, depth h and period d[21]; (b) schematic illustration that replaces the groove array by the anisotropic effective dielectric layer[21]; (c) dispersion relation of excited surface bound wave when a/d = 0.2 and h/d = 1[86]; (d) schematic of a two-dimensional metal hole array enhanced quantum well detector[86]; (e) infrared response of quantum dot infrared detectors with and without two-dimensional metal hole arrays[86]; (f) electric field distribution near the hole at 9.39 μm[86].

    图 13  (a) 锥形天线聚焦红外光场的示意图[91]; (b) 近场成像显示的电场|Ez|2分布[91]; (c) 带有正方形小孔阵列的石墨烯/氮化硼/石墨烯多层结构示意图[93]; (d) 石墨烯/氮化硼/石墨烯多层结构吸收谱[93]; (e) 模式[1, 0]处的面内电场分布[93]

    Figure 13.  (a) Schematic of tapered antenna focusing infrared light field[91]; (b) near-field image showing electric field |Ez|2 distribution[91]; (c) schematic of graphene/hBN/graphene multilayer structure with square hole array[93]; (d) absorption spectrum of graphene/hBN/graphene multilayer structure[93]; (e) in-plane electric field distribution at mode [1, 0][93].

    图 14  人工微纳结构与红外探测器高度集成化的新一代红外探测器发展展望

    Figure 14.  Development prospect of the new generation of infrared detectors with high-integration of artificial micro- and nano-structures and infrared detectors.

    表 1  不同增强的机制在长波及甚长波红外波段的代表性工作

    Table 1.  Representative work of different enhancement mechanisms in long and very long-wavelength infrared bands.

    (10.2 μm吸收率)
    (10.84 μm吸收率)
    (10.84 μm)
    (10.4 μm光响应)
    (10.4 μm)
    195 K
    (12.4 μm吸收率)
    (12.4 μm)
    (9 μm 光响应)
    1 ms
    (14.7 μm 光响应)
    (12.5 μm)
    (8 μm)
    (10 μm吸收率)
    (10 μm)
    (9 μm 量子效率)
    (9 μm)
    (10 μm)
    阵列8—14 μm
    (8.8 μm 光响应)
    (8.8 μm)
    (14.4 μm 吸收率)
    (14.5 μm)
    DownLoad: CSV
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  • Received Date:  03 March 2022
  • Accepted Date:  03 April 2022
  • Available Online:  29 May 2022
  • Published Online:  05 June 2022

