In a practical quantum communication system, the security of signal source of continuous-variable quantum key distribution may be jeopardized due to device flaws and hidden attacks. In this paper, an improved scheme for Gaussian-modulated continuous-variable quantum key distribution based on an untrusted entangled source is proposed. In particular, the entanglement source is placed in an untrusted quantum channel to simulate that it is controlled by an eavesdropper, thereby verifying the security of Gaussian-modulated continuous-variable quantum key distribution in a complex environment. This work in detail analyzes the influence of untrusted entanglement source on practical Gaussian-modulated continuous-variable quantum key distribution system, and the numerical simulation shows that the performance of Gaussian-modulated continuous-variable quantum key distribution will dramatically decrease once the entanglement source has moved out of the sender, and it will slightly rise as the untrusted entanglement source slowly moves away from the sender. This paper further introduces two kinds of optical amplifiers, which are phase-sensitive amplifier and phase-insensitive amplifier, to compensate for the imperfection of the coherent detector. These amplifiers are beneficial to enhancing the quantum efficiency of the receiver’s detector. Specifically, the security key rate of Gaussian-modulated continuous-variable quantum key distribution with homodyne detection can be well improved by phase-sensitive amplifier, and the security key rate of Gaussian-modulated continuous-variable quantum key distribution with heterodyne detection can be well improved by phase-insensitive amplifier. To summary, this paper proposes a scheme for Gaussian-modulated continuous-variable quantum key distribution with untrusted entanglement source, experimental results show that the proposed scheme can generate secure quantum keys even if the Gaussian entanglement source is untrusted, and the two optical amplifiers can effectively improve the quantum efficiency of the detector at the receiver. This work aims to promote the practical process of the Gaussian-modulated continuous-variable quantum key distribution system and provide theoretical guidance for the practical implementation and application of the Gaussian-modulated continuous-variable quantum key distribution system.
- continuous-variable quantum key distribution /
- untrusted entanglement source /
- optical amplifier /
- quantum communication
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图 3 零差探测下不可信纠缠源的GMCVQKD方案的与原始GMCVQKD方案的性能对比 (a) 两种方案的安全密钥率与传输距离的关系; (b)两种方案的互信量与传输距离的关系; (c)两种方案的Holevo界与传输距离的关系
Figure 3. The performance comparison between the GMCVQKD scheme with an untrusted entanglement source and the original GMCVQKD scheme under homodyne detection: (a) The relationship between the security key rate and transmission distance of the two schemes; (b) the relationship between mutual information and transmission distance of the two schemes; (c) the relationship between Holevo bound and transmission distance of two schemes.
图 4 零差探测下基于不可信纠缠源的GMCVQKD方案在不同纠缠源距离下的性能 (a)所提方案的安全密钥率与传输距离的关系; (b)所提方案的Holevo界与传输距离的关系
Figure 4. Performance of the GMCVQKD scheme based on an untrusted entanglement source with homodyne detection at different entanglement source distances: (a) Relationship between the security key rate of the proposed scheme and the transmission distance; (b) relationship between the Holevo bound of the proposed scheme and the transmission distance.
图 6 外差探测下基于不可信纠缠源的GMCVQKD方案在不同纠缠源距离下的性能 (a) 所提方案的安全密钥率与传输距离的关系; (b)所提方案的Holevo界与传输距离的关系
Figure 6. Performance of the GMCVQKD scheme based on an untrusted entanglement source with heterodyne detection at different entanglement source distances: (a) Relationship between the security key rate of the proposed scheme and the transmission distance; (b) relationship between the Holevo bound of the proposed scheme and the transmission distance.
[1] Zhou N R, Li J F, Yu Z B, Gong L H, Farouk A 2016 Quantum Inf. Process 16 4
[2] Scarani V, Bechmann-Pasquinucci H, Cerf N J, Dušek M, Lütkenhaus N, Peev M 2009 Rev. Mod. Phys. 81 1301
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[3] Gisin N, Ribordy G, Tittel W, Zbinden H 2002 Rev. Mod. Phys. 74 145
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[4] Gong L H, Li J F, Zhou N R 2018 Laser Phys. Lett. 15 105204
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[5] Liao Q, Liu H J, Zhu L J, Guo Y 2021 Phys. Rev. A 103 032410
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[6] Liao Q, Liu H J, Gong Y P, Wang Z, Peng Q Q, Guo Y 2022 Opt. Express 30 3876
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[7] 宋汉冲, 龚黎华, 周南润 2012 物理学报 61 154206
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Song H C, Gong L H, Zhou N R 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 154206
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[8] Zhou N R, Wang L J, Ding J, Gong L H, Zuo X W 2010 Int. J. Theor. Phys. 49 2035
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[9] Guo Y, Liao Q, Wang Y J, Huang D, Huang P, Zeng G H 2017 Phys. Rev. A 95 032304
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[10] 钟海, 叶炜, 吴晓东, 郭迎 2021 物理学报 70 020301
Google Scholar
Zhong H, Ye W, Wu X D, Guo Y 2021 Acta Phys. Sin. 70 020301
Google Scholar
[11] Lance A M, Symul T, Sharma V, Weedbrook C, Ralph T C, Lam P K 2005 Phys. Rev. Lett. 95 180503
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[12] Ma X C, Sun S H, Jiang M S, Gui M, Liang L M 2014 Phys. Rev. A 89 042335
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[13] Grosshans F, Grangier P 2002 Phys. Rev. Lett. 88 057902
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[14] Leverrier A 2015 Phys. Rev. Lett. 114 070501
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[15] Leverrier A, Grosshans F, Grangier P 2010 Phys. Rev. A 81 062343
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[16] Jouguet P, Kunz-Jacques S, Diamanti E 2013 Phys. Rev. A 87 062313
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[17] Ma X C, Sun S H, Jiang M S, Liang L M 2013 Phys. Rev. A 88 022339
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[18] Qin H, Kumar R, Alléaume R 2016 Phys. Rev. A 94 012325
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[19] Huang J Z, Weedbrook C, Yin Z Q, Wang S, Li H W, Chen W, Guo G C, Han Z F 2013 Phys. Rev. A 87 062329
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[20] Ma X C, Sun S H, Jiang M S, Liang L M 2013 Phys. Rev. A 87 052309
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[21] Qin H, Kumar R, Makarov V, Alléaume R 2018 Phys. Rev. A 98 012312
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[22] Zhou N R, Zhang T F, Xie X W, Wu J Y 2023 Signal Process. Image Commun. 110 116891
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[23] Liao Q, Xiao G, Zhong H, Guo Y 2020 New J. Phys. 22 083086
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[24] Weedbrook C 2013 Phys. Rev. A 87 022308
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[25] Liao Q, Xiao G, Xu C G, Xu Y, Guo Y 2020 Phys. Rev. A 102 032604
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[26] Fossier S, Diamanti E, Debuisschert T, Tualle-Brouri R, Grangier P 2009 J. Phys. B: At., Mol. Opt. Phys. 42 114014
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[27] Zhang H, Fang J, He G Q 2012 Phys. Rev. A 86 022338
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[28] Wu X D, Wang Y J, Liao Q, Zhong H, Guo Y 2019 Entropy 21 333
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[29] Pirandola S, Braunstein S L, Lloyd S 2008 Phys. Rev. Lett. 101 200504
[30] García-Patrón R, Cerf N J 2006 Phys. Rev. Lett. 97 190503
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[31] Navascués M, Grosshans F, Acín A 2006 Phys. Rev. Lett. 97 190502
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[32] Huang D, Huang P, Lin D K, Zeng G H 2016 Sci. Rep. 6 19201
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[33] Huang D, Lin D K, Wang C, Liu W Q, Fang S H, Peng J Y, Huang P, Zeng G H 2015 Opt. Express 23 017511
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[34] Jouguet P, Kunz-Jacques S, Leverrier A, Grangier P, Diamanti E 2013 Nat. Photonics 7 378
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[35] Huang L Y, Zhang Y C, Huang Y D, Jiang T W, Yu S 2019 Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 52 225502
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[36] Zhang Y C, Li Z Y, Weedbrook C, Yu S, Gu W Y, Sun M Z, Peng X, Guo H 2014 J. Phys. B: At., Mol. Opt. Phys. 47 035501
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[37] Guo Y, Li R J, Liao Q, Zhou J, Huang D 2018 Phys. Lett. A 382 372
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[38] Blandino R, Leverrier A, Barbieri M, Etesse J, Grangier P, Tualle-Brouri R 2012 Phys. Rev. A 86 012327
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[39] Bencheikh K, Lopez O, Abram I, Levenson J A 1995 Appl. Phys. Lett. 66 399
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