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吴金根 高翔宇 陈建国 王春明 张树君 董蜀湘



吴金根, 高翔宇, 陈建国, 王春明, 张树君, 董蜀湘

Review of high temperature piezoelectric materials, devices, and applications

Wu Jingen, Gao Xiangyu, Chen Jianguo, Wang Chun-Ming, Zhang Shujun, Dong Shuxiang
  • 作为重要的功能材料,压电材料已经在国民经济的多个领域里有着重要应用.随着现代工业的快速发展,特别是新能源、交通和国防工业的高速发展,功能材料的应用已经从常规使用转向极端环境下的服役.本文综述了具有高居里点的压电材料,包括钙钛矿型压电陶瓷、铋层状结构氧化物压电陶瓷、钨青铜结构压电陶瓷以及非铁电压电单晶等;介绍了其晶体结构特征和高温压电性能、最新研究进展,并列举了一系列的高温压电器件和应用,包括高温压电探测器、传感器、换能器和驱动器等.另外,本文总结了高温压电材料的热点研究问题,并展望了今后的发展方向.
    Piezoelectric functional materials have been extensively studied and employed in numerous devices. With the rapid development of modern industries, such as power plants, aerospace, automotive, renewable energy and material processing industries, the high temperature piezoelectric materials that can work in extreme environments are in great demand. Piezoelectric materials including piezoelectric single crystals, ceramics and films, are at the heart of electromechanical actuation and sensing devices. A variety of applications where piezoelectric actuators and sensors operate at elevated temperatures (T 200℃) would be extremely desired. The actuators need to work efficiently with high strokes, torques, and forces while operating under relatively harsh conditions. These include high-temperature fans and turbines, motors for valves or natural gas industries, kiln automation, and actuators for automotive engines such as fuel injectors and cooling system elements. Yet, the majority of industrial actuator applications are at or below the 250℃ temperature limit. In addition to the increase in operational temperatures of piezoelectric motors and actuators, a future area of interest is high-temperature MEMS research, which can be used for high-temperature valving. On the other hand, the piezoelectric sensors have been widely used for structural health monitoring applications. This is due to their wide bandwidth, versatility, simplicity, high rigidity, high stability, high reproducibility, fast response time, wide operating temperature range, insensitivity to electric and magnetic fields, the capacity for miniaturization and minimal dependence on moving parts and low power consumption, and wide piezoelectric materials and mechanisms selections, which will greatly benefit the sensing applications. In addition to the temperature usage range, the piezoelectric sensors must withstand the harsh environments encountered in space, engine, power plants, and also need to possess high sensitivity, resistivity, reliability, stability and robustness. In order to use the piezoelectric materials for a specific high temperature application, many aspects need to be considered together with piezoelectric properties, such as phase transition, thermal aging, thermal expansion, chemical stability, electrical resistivity, and the stability of properties at elevated temperature. In this paper, ferroelectric materials with high Curie point, including perovskite-type ferroelectrics, bismuth layer structured ferroelectrics, tungsten-bronze structured ferroelectrics, together with non-ferroelectric piezoelectric single crystals, are surveyed. The crystal structure characteristics, high temperature piezoelectric properties, and recent research progress are discussed. A series of high temperature piezoelectric devices and their applications are reviewed, including high temperature piezoelectric detectors, sensors, transducers, actuators, etc. Finally, recent important research topics, the future development of high temperature piezoelectric materials and the potential new applications are summarized.
      Corresponding author: Chen Jianguo, kpfocus@shu.edu.cn;wangcm@sdu.edu.cn;shujun@uow.edu.au;sxdong@pku.edu.cn ; Wang Chun-Ming, kpfocus@shu.edu.cn;wangcm@sdu.edu.cn;shujun@uow.edu.au;sxdong@pku.edu.cn ; Zhang Shujun, kpfocus@shu.edu.cn;wangcm@sdu.edu.cn;shujun@uow.edu.au;sxdong@pku.edu.cn ; Dong Shuxiang, kpfocus@shu.edu.cn;wangcm@sdu.edu.cn;shujun@uow.edu.au;sxdong@pku.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 51772005, 51072003, 51872166, 51872180), the Natural Science Foundation of Shanghai, China (Grant No. 18ZR1414800), the Fundamental Research Fund for Shandong University, China (Grant Nos. 2016JC036, 2017JC032), and the Beijing Key Laboratory for Magnetoelectric Materials and Devices.

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  • 收稿日期:  2018-06-04
  • 修回日期:  2018-07-20
  • 刊出日期:  2019-10-20

