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0.1 mHz-1 Hz频段超低噪声光电探测器实验研究

尚鑫 李番 马正磊 黄天时 党昊 李卫 尹王保 田龙 陈力荣 郑耀辉


0.1 mHz-1 Hz频段超低噪声光电探测器实验研究

尚鑫, 李番, 马正磊, 黄天时, 党昊, 李卫, 尹王保, 田龙, 陈力荣, 郑耀辉

Low noise photodetector in 0.1 mHz-1 Hz band

Shang Xin, Li Fan, Ma Zheng-Lei, Huang Tian-Shi, Dang Hao, Li Wei, Yin Wang-Bao, Tian Long, Chen Li-Rong, Zheng Yao-Hui
  • 本文针对空间引力波探测中抑制0.1 mHz-1 Hz频段激光强度噪声需求,基于光电二极管在光伏模式下具有低暗电流的特点,采用零偏置电压方案,结合零失调电压漂移的集成运放及低温漂金属箔电阻组成跨阻放大电路,优化跨阻电容以及跟随电路;并进一步通过主动温控对光电二极管控温来稳定光电二极管响应度,研发出在0.1 mHz-1 Hz频段内超低电子学噪声的光电探测器。利用自研的强度噪声评估系统对其噪声进行时域及频域全面评估测试,实验结果表明:所研发探测器的电子学噪声谱密度达到2×10-6 V/Hz1/2@0.1 mHz-1 Hz,探测器增益能够达到35 kV/W@1064 nm。该探测器噪声性能小于空间引力波探测中对激光强度噪声(10-4/Hz1/2)要求两个数量级,为高增益光电反馈控制以及空间引力波探测中激光强度噪声抑制等方面提供关键器件及技术支撑。
    Laser intensity noise suppression in the millihertz frequency band is essential for space-based gravitational wave detection to ensure the sensitivity of the interferometer. Photonic feedback technology is one of the most effective methods for suppressing laser intensity noise. As the first-stage component in the feedback loop, the noise of the photodetector directly couples into the feedback loop, significantly impacting the laser intensity noise. Starting from the requirement to suppress laser intensity noise in the 0.1 mHz-1 Hz frequency band for space-based gravitational wave detection, this paper provides a detailed analysis of the factors influencing the electronics of photodetectors at extremely low frequencies. Leveraging the low dark current characteristic of photodiodes in photovoltaic mode, a zero-bias voltage scheme is adopted to reduce the dark noise of the photodiode. A transimpedance amplification circuit is designed using an integrated operational amplifier with zero offset voltage drift and low-temperature drift metal foil resistors, optimizing the transimpedance capacitor and follower circuit to reduce 1/f noise in the circuit. Active temperature control is employed to stabilize the photodiode's responsivity, and additional measures such as using a self-developed low-noise power supply and shielding against interference are implemented to further reduce noise. Ultimately, an ultra-low electronic noise photodetector operating in the 0.1 mHz-1 Hz frequency band is developed. A self-developed intensity noise evaluation system is used to comprehensively assess the noise in both the time and frequency domains, and experimental results demonstrate the constant noise characteristics of the developed detector. The experimental results show that the electronic noise spectral density of the developed detector reaches 2×10-6V/Hz1/2 in the 0.1 mHz-1 Hz frequency band, and the detector's electronic noise does not vary with optical power. The detector achieves a gain of 35 kV/W at 1064 nm. The noise performance of the detector is two orders of magnitude lower than the laser intensity noise requirement (10-4/Hz1/2) for space-based gravitational wave detection, providing a critical component and technical support for high-gain photonic feedback control and laser intensity noise suppression in space-based gravitational wave detection.
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