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吴金芳 陈兆权 张明 张煌 张三阳 冯德仁 周郁明



吴金芳, 陈兆权, 张明, 张煌, 张三阳, 冯德仁, 周郁明

Measurement of time-varying electron density of air spark shock wave plasma jet by the method of microwave Rayleigh scattering

Wu Jin-Fang, Chen Zhao-Quan, Zhang Ming, Zhang Huang, Zhang San-Yang, Feng De-Ren, Zhou Yu-Ming
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 大气压空气电火花激波等离子体射流的电子密度在亚微秒时间尺度上瞬变, 其电子密度的测定很难. 基于微波瑞利散射原理, 本文测量了空气电火花冲击波流注放电等离子体射流的时变电子密度. 实验结果表明: 测量系统的标定参数A为1.04 × 105 V·Ω·m–2; 空气流注放电等离子体射流的电子密度与等离子体射流的半径和长度有关, 结合高速放电影像展示的等离子体射流的等效半径和等效长度, 测定的电子密度在1020 m–3的量级, 且随时间先快速增长至峰值再成指数衰减. 此外, 本文还探讨了等离子体射流的不同等效尺度对测定结果的影响; 分析结果表明, 采用时变等效半径和时变等效长度的计算结果最有效, 且第1个快速波峰是由光电离的电离波导致的.
    It is difficult in measuring the electron density of an atmospheric air spark shock wave plasma jet, due to its variation on the time scale of sub-microseconds. In this paper, the time-varying electron density of air spark shock wave plasma jet is measured, based on the principle of microwave Rayleigh scattering. The system constant A is determined by using calibration of materials with known properties; the results show that the system constant is obtained as A = 1.04 × 105 V·Ω·m–2. According to the principle of microwave Rayleigh scattering, the electron density of the plasma jet is related to its radius and length of the plasma jet plume. Combined with the discharge image captured by ICCD camera, it is observed that the plasma jet plumes are with irregular patterns. In order to facilitate the calculation, the plasma jet plumes are replaced by cylinders with the same volume as the original shapes. Thus, the equivalent radius and length of the plasma jet plume are obtained. According to the known data, the electron density is determined to be in the order of 1020 m–3; its value increases rapidly to the peak value, and after then exponential attenuates along with time. In addition, the effect of different equivalent dimensions of the plasma jet plume on the measurement results is also discussed. It is shown that the calculation result with the time-varying equivalent radius and the time-varying equivalent length is the most effective one. In addition, the first fast peak is caused by the ionization wave of the photo ionization. The actual ionization process is that the air discharge in the cathode cavity releases a large number of high energy photons, which pass through the cathode nozzle and project into the region outside the nozzle; and then the O2 molecule in the ambient air are ionized by those high energy photons to form the plasma jet plume at the time of 1 μs.
      通信作者: 陈兆权, chenzq@ahut.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家级-国家自然科学基金青年科学基金(11575003)
      Corresponding author: Chen Zhao-Quan, chenzq@ahut.edu.cn

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    Chen Z Q, Liu X D, Zou C L, Song X, Li P, Hu Y L, Qiu H B, Kudryavtsev A A, Zhu M Z 2017 J. Appl. Phys. 121 023302Google Scholar


    Chen Z Q, Xia G Q, Zou C L, Liu X D, Feng D R, Li P, Hu Y L, Stepanova O, Kudryavtsev A A 2017 J. Appl. Phys. 122 093301Google Scholar


    Chen Z Q, Yin Z X, Chen M G, Hong L L, Xia G Q, Hu Y L, Huang Y R, Liu M H, Kudryavtsev A A 2014 J. Appl. Phys. 116 153303Google Scholar


    Chen Z Q, Zhou Q Y, Xia G Q, Hu Y L, Zheng X L, Zheng Z, Hong L L, Li P, Huang Y R, Liu M H 2012 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 83 084701Google Scholar


    Barni R, Biganzoil I, Tassetti D, Riccardi C 2014 Plasma Chem. Plasma Process. 34 1415Google Scholar


    Chen Z Q, Xia G Q, Li P, Hong L L, Hu Y L, Zheng X L, Wang Y, Huang Y R, Zhu L J, Liu M H 2013 IEEE Trans. PlasmaSci. 41 1658Google Scholar


    卢新培, 严萍, 任春生, 邵涛 2011 中国科学: 物理学~力学~天文学 41 801Google Scholar

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    周前红, 董志伟, 陈京元 2011 物理学报 60 125202Google Scholar

    Zhou Q H, Dong Z W, Chen J Y 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 125202Google Scholar


    李和平, 于达仁, 孙文廷, 刘定新, 李杰, 韩先伟, 李增耀, 孙冰, 吴云 2016 高电压技术 42 3697

    Li H P, Yu D R, Sun W T, Liu D X, Li J, Han X W, Li Z Y, Sun B, Wu Y 2016 High Voltage Eng. 42 3697


    王林, 夏智勋, 罗振兵, 周岩, 张宇 2014 物理学报 63 194702Google Scholar

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    Bárdos L, Baránková H 2010 Thin Solid Films 518 6705Google Scholar


    严建华, 屠昕, 马增益, 潘新潮, 岑可法 2006 物理学报 55 3451Google Scholar

    Yan J H, Tu X, Ma Z Y, Pan X C, Cen K F, Cheron Bruno 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 3451Google Scholar


    Lu X P, Ostrikov K 2018 Appl. Phys. Rev. 5 031102Google Scholar


    Xia G Q, Chen Z Q, Yin Z X, Hao J K, Xu Z Q, Xue C G, Hu D, Zhou M R, Hu Y L, Kudryavtsev A A 2015 IEEE Trans. PlasmaSci. 43 1825Google Scholar


    Xia G Q, Chen Z Q, Saifutdinov A I, Eliseev S, Hu Y L, Kudryavtsev A A 2014 IEEE Trans. PlasmaSci. 42 2768Google Scholar


    Xian Y B, Wu S Q, Wang Z, Huang Q J, Lu X P, Kolb J F 2013 Plasma Process. Polym. 10 372Google Scholar


    吴淑群, 聂兰兰, 卢新培 2015 高电压技术 41 2602

    Wu S Q, Nie L L, Lu X P 2015 High Voltage Eng. 41 2602


    Dobrynin D, Fridman A, Starikovskiy A Y 2012 IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 40 2613


    Wu S Q, Lu X P, Liu D, Yang Y, Pan Y, Ostrikov K 2014 Phys. Plasmas 21 103508Google Scholar


    陈兆权, 夏广庆, 刘明海, 郑晓亮, 胡业林, 李平, 徐公林, 洪伶俐, 沈昊宇, 胡希伟 2013 物理学报 62 195204Google Scholar

    Chen Z Q, Xia G Q, Liu M H, Zheng X L, Hu Y L, Li P, Xu G L, Hong L L, Shen H Y, Hu X W 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 195204Google Scholar


    卢新培 2011 高电压技术 37 1416

    Lu X P 2011 High Voltage Eng. 37 1416


    张宏超, 陆建, 倪晓武 2008 物理学报 58 4034Google Scholar

    Zhang H C, Lu J, Ni X W 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 4034Google Scholar


    Chen Z Q, Zhang H, Wu J F, Tu Y L, Zhang M, Wu C Y, Liu S C, Zhou Y M 2019 IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 47 4787Google Scholar


    李雪辰, 张盼盼, 李霁媛, 张琦, 鲍文婷 2017 光谱学与光谱分析 37 1696

    Li X C, Zhang P P, Li J Y, Zhang Q, Bao W T 2017 Spectrosc. Spect. Anal. 37 1696


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    Cai X J, Wang X X, Zou X B, Sun Y, Lu Z W 2015 High Voltage Eng. 41 2047


    Wormeester G, Pancheshnyi S, Luque A, Nijdam S, Ebert U 2010 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 43 505201Google Scholar


    Nijdam S, Wetering van de F M J H, Blanc R, Veldhuizen van E M, Ebert U 2010 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 43 145204Google Scholar


    韩波, 王菲鹿, 梁贵云, 赵刚 2016 物理学报 65 110503Google Scholar

    Han B, Wang F L, Liang G Y, Zhao G 2016 Acta Phys. Sin. 65 110503Google Scholar


    张赟, 曾嵘, 杨学昌, 张波, 何金良 2009 中国电机工程学报 29 0110

    Zhang Y, Zeng R, Yang X C, Zhang B, He J L 2009 Proc. Chin. Soc. Elect. Eng. 29 0110

  • 图 1  大气压空气电火花放电产生的等离子体射流 (a)大气压空气电火花放电装置的结构图; (b) 电火花放电装置照片; (c) 空气电火花激波等离子体射流照片

    Fig. 1.  Plasma jet generated by atmospheric pressure air spark discharge: (a) Structure diagram of atmospheric pressure air spark discharge device; (b) installation photo of spark discharge device; (c) photo of air spark shock-wave plasma jet.

    图 2  火花放电电压波形

    Fig. 2.  Spark discharge voltage waveform.

    图 3  微波瑞利散射装置 (a)实验系统图; (b)实验装置照片

    Fig. 3.  Microwave Rayleigh scattering device: (a) Experimental schematic diagram; (b) photo of experimental device.

    图 4  微波瑞利散射装置的系统参数标定

    Fig. 4.  Calibration on a constant of microwave Rayleigh scattering device.

    图 5  微波瑞利散射装置测定的散射信号

    Fig. 5.  Scattering signal measured by microwave Rayleigh scattering device.

    图 6  空气等离子体射流的光学影像

    Fig. 6.  Optical images of air plasma jet.

    图 7  空气等离子体激波射流的半径r(t)和长度l(t)

    Fig. 7.  The radius r(t) and length l(t) of air plasma shock-wave jet.

    图 8  不同等效尺度下的等离子体射流的时变电子密度 (a) r = 1.2 mm, l = 10 mm; (b) r = 1.2 mm, l = l(t); (c) r = r(t), l = 10 mm; (d) r = r(t), l = l(t)

    Fig. 8.  Time-varying electron density of plasma jet with the different equivalent scales: (a) r = 1.2 mm, l = 10 mm; (b) r = 1.2 mm, l = l(t); (c) r = r(t), l = 10 mm; (d) r = r(t), l = l(t).

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    Akram M, Lundgren E 1996 J. Phys. 29 2129


    Lu X P, Laroussi M, Puech V 2012 Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 21 034005Google Scholar


    Janda M, Machala Z 2011 IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 39 2246


    El-Koramy R A, Effendiev A Z, Aliverdiev A A 2007 Phys B 392 304Google Scholar


    Dobrynin D, Arjunan K, Fridman A, Friedman G, Morss Clyne A 2011 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 44 075201Google Scholar


    Lu X P, Laroussi M 2006 J. Appl. Phys. 100 063302Google Scholar


    Lu X P, Naidis G V, Laroussi M, Reuter S, Graves D B, Ostrikov K 2016 Phys. Rep. 63 1


    Lu X P, Naidis G V, Laroussi M and Ostrikov K 2014 Phys. Rep. 540 123Google Scholar


    Abdellatif G, Imam H 2002 Spectrochim. Acta B 57 1155Google Scholar


    李驰, 唐晓亮, 邱高 2008 光谱学与光谱分析 28 2754Google Scholar

    Li C, Tang X L, Qiu G 2008 Spectrosc. Spect. Anal. 28 2754Google Scholar


    Pakhal H R, Lucht R P, Laurendeau N M 2008 Appl. Phys. B 90 15Google Scholar


    Yambea K, Saito H, Ogura K 2015 IEEJTrans. Electr. Electron. Eng. 10 614Google Scholar


    杨文斌, 周江宁, 李斌成, 邢廷文 2017 物理学报 66 095201Google Scholar

    Yang W B, Zhou J N, Li B C, Xing T W 2017 Acta Phys. Sin. 66 095201Google Scholar


    Xu J Z, Shi J J, Zhang J, Zhang Q, Nakamura K, Sugai H 2010 Chin. Phys. B 19 075206Google Scholar


    Shneider M N, Miles R B 2005 J. Appl. Phys. 98 033301Google Scholar


    ShashurinA, Shneider M N, Dogariu A, Miles R B, Keidar M 2010 Appl. Phys. Lett. 96 171501Google Scholar


    Shashurin A, Shneider M N, Dogariu A, Miles R B, Keidar M 2009 Appl. Phys. Lett. 94 231504Google Scholar


    Lu X P, Keidar M, Laroussi M, Choi E, Szili E J, Ostrikov K 2019 Mater. Sci. Eng. R. 138 36Google Scholar


    Chen Z Q, Zhou B K, Zhang H, Hong L L, Zou C L, Li P, Zhao W D, Liu X D, Stepanova O, Kudryavtsev A A 2018 Chin. Phys. B 27 055202Google Scholar


    Chen Z Q, Liu X D, Zou C L, Song X, Li P, Hu Y L, Qiu H B, Kudryavtsev A A, Zhu M Z 2017 J. Appl. Phys. 121 023302Google Scholar


    Chen Z Q, Xia G Q, Zou C L, Liu X D, Feng D R, Li P, Hu Y L, Stepanova O, Kudryavtsev A A 2017 J. Appl. Phys. 122 093301Google Scholar


    Chen Z Q, Yin Z X, Chen M G, Hong L L, Xia G Q, Hu Y L, Huang Y R, Liu M H, Kudryavtsev A A 2014 J. Appl. Phys. 116 153303Google Scholar


    Chen Z Q, Zhou Q Y, Xia G Q, Hu Y L, Zheng X L, Zheng Z, Hong L L, Li P, Huang Y R, Liu M H 2012 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 83 084701Google Scholar


    Barni R, Biganzoil I, Tassetti D, Riccardi C 2014 Plasma Chem. Plasma Process. 34 1415Google Scholar


    Chen Z Q, Xia G Q, Li P, Hong L L, Hu Y L, Zheng X L, Wang Y, Huang Y R, Zhu L J, Liu M H 2013 IEEE Trans. PlasmaSci. 41 1658Google Scholar


    卢新培, 严萍, 任春生, 邵涛 2011 中国科学: 物理学~力学~天文学 41 801Google Scholar

    Lu X P, Yan P, Ren C S, Shao T 2011 Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron. 41 801Google Scholar


    周前红, 董志伟, 陈京元 2011 物理学报 60 125202Google Scholar

    Zhou Q H, Dong Z W, Chen J Y 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 125202Google Scholar


    李和平, 于达仁, 孙文廷, 刘定新, 李杰, 韩先伟, 李增耀, 孙冰, 吴云 2016 高电压技术 42 3697

    Li H P, Yu D R, Sun W T, Liu D X, Li J, Han X W, Li Z Y, Sun B, Wu Y 2016 High Voltage Eng. 42 3697


    王林, 夏智勋, 罗振兵, 周岩, 张宇 2014 物理学报 63 194702Google Scholar

    Wang L, Xia Z X, Luo Z B, Zhou Y, Zhang Y 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 194702Google Scholar


    Bárdos L, Baránková H 2010 Thin Solid Films 518 6705Google Scholar


    严建华, 屠昕, 马增益, 潘新潮, 岑可法 2006 物理学报 55 3451Google Scholar

    Yan J H, Tu X, Ma Z Y, Pan X C, Cen K F, Cheron Bruno 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 3451Google Scholar


    Lu X P, Ostrikov K 2018 Appl. Phys. Rev. 5 031102Google Scholar


    Xia G Q, Chen Z Q, Yin Z X, Hao J K, Xu Z Q, Xue C G, Hu D, Zhou M R, Hu Y L, Kudryavtsev A A 2015 IEEE Trans. PlasmaSci. 43 1825Google Scholar


    Xia G Q, Chen Z Q, Saifutdinov A I, Eliseev S, Hu Y L, Kudryavtsev A A 2014 IEEE Trans. PlasmaSci. 42 2768Google Scholar


    Xian Y B, Wu S Q, Wang Z, Huang Q J, Lu X P, Kolb J F 2013 Plasma Process. Polym. 10 372Google Scholar


    吴淑群, 聂兰兰, 卢新培 2015 高电压技术 41 2602

    Wu S Q, Nie L L, Lu X P 2015 High Voltage Eng. 41 2602


    Dobrynin D, Fridman A, Starikovskiy A Y 2012 IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 40 2613


    Wu S Q, Lu X P, Liu D, Yang Y, Pan Y, Ostrikov K 2014 Phys. Plasmas 21 103508Google Scholar


    陈兆权, 夏广庆, 刘明海, 郑晓亮, 胡业林, 李平, 徐公林, 洪伶俐, 沈昊宇, 胡希伟 2013 物理学报 62 195204Google Scholar

    Chen Z Q, Xia G Q, Liu M H, Zheng X L, Hu Y L, Li P, Xu G L, Hong L L, Shen H Y, Hu X W 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 195204Google Scholar


    卢新培 2011 高电压技术 37 1416

    Lu X P 2011 High Voltage Eng. 37 1416


    张宏超, 陆建, 倪晓武 2008 物理学报 58 4034Google Scholar

    Zhang H C, Lu J, Ni X W 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 4034Google Scholar


    Chen Z Q, Zhang H, Wu J F, Tu Y L, Zhang M, Wu C Y, Liu S C, Zhou Y M 2019 IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 47 4787Google Scholar


    李雪辰, 张盼盼, 李霁媛, 张琦, 鲍文婷 2017 光谱学与光谱分析 37 1696

    Li X C, Zhang P P, Li J Y, Zhang Q, Bao W T 2017 Spectrosc. Spect. Anal. 37 1696


    Xiong Z M, Kushner M J 2012 Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 21 034001Google Scholar


    Brian L S, Biswa N G, Kunihide T 2008 Appl. Phys. Lett. 92 151503Google Scholar


    蔡新景, 王新新, 邹晓兵, 孙悦, 鲁志伟 2015 高电压技术 41 2047

    Cai X J, Wang X X, Zou X B, Sun Y, Lu Z W 2015 High Voltage Eng. 41 2047


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    Nijdam S, Wetering van de F M J H, Blanc R, Veldhuizen van E M, Ebert U 2010 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 43 145204Google Scholar


    韩波, 王菲鹿, 梁贵云, 赵刚 2016 物理学报 65 110503Google Scholar

    Han B, Wang F L, Liang G Y, Zhao G 2016 Acta Phys. Sin. 65 110503Google Scholar


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  • 收稿日期:  2019-12-17
  • 修回日期:  2020-01-23
  • 刊出日期:  2020-04-05

