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王天会 李昂 韩柏



王天会, 李昂, 韩柏

First-principles study of graphyne/graphene heterostructure resonant tunneling nano-transistors

Wang Tian-Hui, Li Ang, Han Bai
  • 石墨烯和石墨炔的化学相容性表明它们能够以不同形式组合在一起, 从而构建新型超高频纳米晶体管. 通过石墨烯-石墨炔-石墨烯异质结纳米带构建双极器件模拟了两种新型纳米共振隧穿晶体管, 根据基于密度泛函理论的第一原理和非平衡格林函数方法对该晶体管的电子结构和量子输运特性进行了理论计算. 电子透射谱和电流-电压曲线的计算结果证明该晶体管的电流主要来源于共振隧穿跃迁并可由横向栅极电压控制, 因此可用作超高频纳米晶体管.
    Resonant tunneling transistors have received wide attention because of their ability to reduce the complexity of circuits, and promise to be an efficient candidate in ultra-high speed and ultra-high frequency applications. The chemical compatibility between graphene and graphdiyne implies that they can be combined into various configurations to fulfill ultra-high frequency nanotransistor. In the present paper, two novel resonant tunneling transistors based on graphene/graphdiyne/graphene double-heterojunction are theoretically developed to model two new kinds of bipolar devices with two representative graphdiyne nanoribbons. The electronic structures of two pristine graphdiyne nanoribbons are investigated by performing the first-principles calculations with all-electron relativistic numerical-orbit scheme as implemented in Dmol3 code. The electronic transport properties including quantum conductance (transmission spectrum) and electrical current varying with bias-voltage for each of the designed graphdiyne nanoribbon transistors are calculated in combination with non-equilibrium Green function formalism. The calculated electronic transmission and current-voltage characteristics of these transistors demonstrate that the current is dominantly determined by resonant tunneling transition and can be effectively controlled by gate electric field thereby representing the favorable negative-differential-conductivity, which is the qualified attribute of ultra-high frequency nanotransistor. It follows from the I-Ub variations explained by electronic transmission spectra that quantum resonance tunneling can occur in the proposed star-like graphdiyne (SGDY) and net-like graphdiyne (NGDY) nanoribbon transistors, with the resonance condition limited to a narrow bias-voltage range, leading to a characteristic resonant peak in I-Ub curve, which means the strong negative differential conductivity. Under a gate voltage of 4 V, when the bias-voltage rises up to 0.6 V (0.7 V), the Fermi level of source electrode aligns identically to the quantized level of SGDY (NGDY) nanoribbon channel, causing electron resonance tunneling as illustrated by the considerable transmission peak in bias window; once the source Fermi level deviates from the quantized level of SGDY (NGDY) channels at higher bias-voltage, the resonance tunneling transforms into ordinary electron tunneling, which results in the disappearing of the substantial transmission peak in bias window and the rapid declining of current. The designed SGDY and NGDY nanotransistors will achieve high-level negative differential conductivity with the peak-to-valley current ratio approaching to 4.5 and 6.0 respectively, which can be expected to be applied to quantum transmission nanoelectronic devices.
      通信作者: 韩柏, bak_han@sina.com
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 51607048)和黑龙江省普通本科高等学校青年创新人才培养计划 (批准号: UNPYSCT-2016049)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Han Bai, bak_han@sina.com
    • Funds: Projects supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51607048) and the Young Innovative Talent Training Program of Heilongjiang Province Undergraduate Colleges and Universities, China (Grant No. UNPYSCT-2016049).

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    Perdew J P, Ruzsinszky A, Csonka G I, Vydrov O A, Scuseria G E, Constantin L A, Zhou X L, Burke K 2008 Phys. Rev. Lett. 100 136406Google Scholar


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  • 图 1  SGDY (上图)和NGDY (下图)纳米带两端连接石墨烯纳米带半无限电极(源极和漏极粉色区域)构建的双极器件模型, 石墨炔尖端和石墨烯边缘碳原子由氢原子钝化, 黑色框架表示周期性单胞

    Fig. 1.  Schematic bipolar device models constructed with the SGDY (above panel) or NGDY (below panel) as center scattering region and the graphene nanoribbons as semi-infinite electrodes (source and drain in pink areas). The apex and edge carbon atoms are passivated by hydrogen atoms, and black frames indicate periodic unit cells.

    图 2  SGDY (a)和NGDY (b)纳米带的电子能带结构, 以费米能级(水平虚线)为能量参考零点

    Fig. 2.  Electronic energy band structure of SGDY (a) and NGDY (b) nanoribbons with Fermi energy level as reference energy zero (horizontal dashed line).

    图 3  在SGDY/石墨烯异质结纳米带双极器件的垂直方向施加栅极电压构建的晶体管电子输运计算模型, 粉色区域表示电极, 灰色、白色、红色、黄色和粉色小球分别代表碳、氢、氧、硅和铝原子

    Fig. 3.  Electron transport calculation in transistor model of bipolar devices with the SGDY/graphene nanoribbons heterostructure as the center scattering region and semi-infinite electrodes (source and drain) respectively under the gate voltage in vertical direction. The pink areas indicate electrodes, and the gray, white, red, yellow and pink spheres represent carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, silicon and aluminium atoms respectively.

    图 4  SGDY和NGDY纳米带晶体管的漏极电流随偏置电压的变化 (a) Ug = 0 V; (b) Ug = 4 V

    Fig. 4.  Drain current of SGDY and NGDY nanoribbon transistors varying with bias voltage under (a) Ug = 0 V and (b) Ug = 4 V

    图 5  SGDY纳米带晶体管在偏置电压0—1.0 V范围内的电子透射谱(栅极电压Ug = 4 V)

    Fig. 5.  Electron transmission spectra of SGDY nanoribbon transistors in the bias voltage range of 0−1.0 V under gate voltage Ug = 4 V.

    表 1  使用Dmol3程序的计算方法和参数设置

    Table 1.  Scheme and parameter setting up in calculationswith Dmol3 program.

    电子与原子实相互作用(core treatment)全电子相对论(all electron relativistic)
    轨道截至(orbital cutoff)Global5.0 Å
    SCF容忍度1 × 10–6 Ha/原子 (1 Ha = 27.2 eV)
    轨道占据热拖尾(smearing)[25]0.001 Ha
    布里渊区积分k点取样(电子结构)Monkhorst-Pack格点[26]1 × 1 × 25
    泊松求解法和泊松边界条件(电子输运)器件侧面缓冲长度7.5 Å
    泊松网格最大格点间距0.5 Å
    电极边界区缓冲长度3 Å
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    表 2  不同纳米带晶体管在不同栅极电压下的PVR

    Table 2.  PVR for nanoribbon transistors fabricated with different materials under different gate voltage.

    纳米带散射区电极研究方法栅极电压 /VPVR数据来源
    SGDY, NGDY石墨烯第一原理计算54.5, 6.0本文
    BN石墨烯理论计算和实验0, 201—4Ref. [16]
    BN石墨烯理论计算和实验–40, 0, 40Ref. [17]
    GaN-Al-GaNGaN理论计算(Matlab)–1, –2, –32.66Ref. [19]
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    Guo Y G, Wang F Q, Wang Q 2017 Appl. Phys. Lett. 111 073503Google Scholar


    Punniyakoti S, Sivakumarasamy R, Vaurette F, Joseph P, Nishiguchi K, Fujiwara A, Clement N 2017 Adv. Mater. Interf. 4 1601155Google Scholar


    Murugesan A 2014 Int. J. Innovative Sci. Eng. Tech. 1 264


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    Park J S, Choi H J 2015 Phys. Rev. B 92 045402Google Scholar


    Mihnev M T, Wang F, Liu G, Rothwell S, Cohen P I, Feldman L C, Conrad E H, Norris T B 2015 Appl. Phys. Lett. 107 173107Google Scholar


    Li G, Li Y, Liu H, Guo Y, Li Y, Zhu D 2010 Chem. Commun. 46 3256Google Scholar


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    Teong H, Lam K T, Khalid S B, Liang G 2009 J. Appl. Phys. 105 084317Google Scholar


    Britnell L, Gorbachev R V, Geim A K, Ponomarenko L A, Mishchenko A, Greenaway M T, Fromhold T M, Novoselov K S, Eaves L 2013 Nat. Commun. 4 1794Google Scholar


    Mishchenko A, Tu J S, Cao Y, Gorbachev R V, Wallbank J R, Greenaway M T, Morozov V E, Morozov S V, Zhu M J, Wong S L, Withers F, Woods C R, Kim Y J, Watanabe K, Taniguchi T, Vdovin E E, Makarovsky O, Fromhold T M, FaI’ko V I, Geim A K, Eaves L, Novoselov K S 2014 Nat. Nanotech. 9 808Google Scholar


    Özçelik V O, Durgun E, Ciraci S 2015 J. Phys. Chem. C 119 13248Google Scholar


    Chowdhury S, Chattaraj S, Biswas D 2015 J. Semicond. 36 044001Google Scholar


    Allis D G, Prokhorova D, Korter T M 2006 J. Phys. Chem. A 110 1951Google Scholar


    Niehaus T A, Rohlfing M, Della Sala F, Di Carlo A, Frauenheim T 2005 Phys. Rev. A 71 022508Google Scholar


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    Perdew J P, Ruzsinszky A, Csonka G I, Vydrov O A, Scuseria G E, Constantin L A, Zhou X L, Burke K 2008 Phys. Rev. Lett. 100 136406Google Scholar


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