In recent years, two-dimensional transition metal chalcogenides (TMDCs) have been widely studied in the field of photodetection due to their excellent electronic and optical properties. Compared with the more reported field-effect transistor and heterojunction devices, homojunction devices have unique advantages in photodetection. This article focuses on the researches of photodetectors based on the homojunctions of TMDCs. First, the working principle of homojunction optoelectronic device is introduced. Then, the reported TMDCs based homojunctions are classified and summarized according to the adopted carrier modulation techniques. In addition, this article also specifically analyzes the transport process of photogenerated carriers in homojunction device, and explains why the lateral p-i-n homojunction exhibits fast photoresponse speed. Finally, the research progress of the TMDCs based homojunction photodetectors is summarized and the future development is also prospected.
- photodetector /
- transition metal dichalcogenides /
- homojunction /
- photovoltaic effect
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图 2 基于电场调控的TMDCs同质结光电探测器 (a)分离栅极调控的同质结示意图; (b)不同栅压配置下的输出特性; (c) PN配置下器件的光响应[41]; (d)铁电极化调控的同质结示意图; (e)不同光功率下的Isc 和 Voc; (f)光电流的响应时间[52]; (g) UV诱导电场调控的同质结示意图; (h)输出特性随写入电压的变化; (i)不同光功率下的动态光响应[56]
Figure 2. TMDCs homojunction photodetectors based on electric field regulation: (a) Schematic diagram of homojunction controlled by local gates; (b) output characteristics under different gate voltage configurations; (c) photoresponse of the device in PN configuration[41]; (d) schematic diagram of homojunction defined by ferroelectric polarization; (e) Isc and Voc at different laser powers; (f) the response time of photocurrent[52]; (g) schematic diagram of homojunction regulated by UV-induced electric field; (h) variation of output characteristics with writing voltage; (i) dynamic responses under different laser powers[56].
图 4 基于SCTD的TMDCs同质结光电探测器 (a)光照下基于AlCl3化学掺杂的同质结示意图与电路图; (b) VG = –40 V时的 ID-VD曲线; (c)不同波长光照下的EQE和D*(VD = 1.5 V, VG = 0, ±40 V)[58]; (d)光照下基于CHF3等离子体处理的垂直同质结光伏效应示意图; (e)暗态和(f)AM1.5 G光照下的J-V曲线[65]; (g)激光诱导WSe2同质结示意图; (h)长时间循环光响应(Vds = 0 V, Vg = 40 V)[69]; (i)基于DUV诱导掺杂的垂直同质结示意图[70]
Figure 4. TMDCs homojunction photodetectors based on SCTD: (a) Schematic diagram and circuit diagram of homojunction based on chemical doping by AlCl3 under illumination; (b) ID-VD curve at VG = –40 V; (c) EQE and D* under different wavelengths of light (VD = 1.5 V, VG = 0, ± 40 V)[58]; (d) photovoltaic effect of vertical homojunction based on CHF3 plasma treatment under illumination; J-V curves of (e) dark state and (f)AM1.5 G illumination[65]; (g) schematic diagram of laser-induced WSe2 homojunction; (h) Temporal photocurrent response(Vds = 0 V, Vg = 40 V)[69]; (i) schematic diagram of vertical homojunction based on DUV-induced doping[70].
图 5 基于元素替位掺杂、缺陷工程和厚度调制的TMDCs同质结光电探测器 (a)基于元素替位掺杂的同质结示意图与光学图像; (b)栅极电压对光伏性能的调制; (c)不同光功率下的光伏性能(Vg = 0, λ = 660 nm)[86]; (d)基于S空位自修复的单层MoS2横向同质结示意图; (e)光照下的输出特性曲线(λ = 575 nm)[91]; (f) 基于S空位自修复的垂直同质结示意图与光学图像[92]; (g)单层和多层MoS2以及Ti的能带图; (h) MoS2单层-多层结示意图; (i) 470 nm光照下器件的光响应特性[93]
Figure 5. TMDCs homojunction photodetectors based on element substitution doping, defect engineering and thickness modulation: (a) Schematic diagram and optical image of homojunction based on element substitution doping; (b) modulation of gate voltage on photovoltaic performance; (c) photovoltaic performance under different optical power(Vg = 0, λ = 660 nm)[86]; (d) schematic diagram of single-layer MoS2 lateral homojunction based on S vacancy self-healing; (e) output curve under illumination(λ = 575 nm)[91]; (f) schematic diagram and optical image of vetical homojunction based on S vacancy self-healing[92]; (g) the band diagram of single and multilayer MoS2 and Ti; (h) schematic diagram of the multilayer/monolayer MoS2 junction; (i) photoresponse characteristics of the device under 470 nm illumination[93].
图 7 基于横向p-i-n同质结的超快WSe2光电二极管 (a)器件光学图像; (b)掺杂分布的横截面示意图; (c)Vds = 1 V时的输出特性曲线; (d)零偏和反向偏置状态下响应度和比探测率随入射光功率的变化; (e)光电流响应时间; (f) p-i-n光电二极管的带宽频率响应[68]
Figure 7. Ultrafast WSe2 photodiode based on lateral p-i-n homojunction: (a) Optical image of the device; (b) cross-sectional schematic diagram of doping distribution; (c) output curve at Vds = 1 V; (d) R and D* as a function of incident light power density under zero bias and reverse bias; (e) the response time of photocurrent; (f) broadband frequency response of the p-i-n photodiode[68].
表 1 基于TMDCs同质结的光电探测器性能对比
Table 1. Performance comparison of photodetectors based on TMDCs homojunctions.
材料 器件结构 载流子调控方式 整流比 理想
Jones响应时间 文献 n型 p型 上升/ms 下降/ms 单层WSe2 横向p-n 正栅压 负栅压 105 1.9 532 2 210 — — — [38] 单层WSe2 横向p-n 正栅压 负栅压 — 2.14 532 –1 0.7 — 10.4 9.8 [41] 多层MoTe2 横向p-n 铁电极化 铁电极化 5×105 2 520 0 5 3×1012 0.03 0.045 [52] 多层MoS2 横向p-n 铁电极化 铁电极化 105 1.7 532 0 15 — 0.01 0.02 [54] 少层MoTe2 横向p-n UV诱导电场 UV诱导电场 103 2.1 532 0 160 — 2 2 [57] 多层MoS2 横向p-n — AuCl3 60 1 (Vg = –40 V) 500 1.5 5070 3×1010 100 200 [58] 少层MoS2 垂直p-n BV AuCl3 100 1.6 655 –1 30 — — — [59] 少层WSe2 横向p-n N2H4 — ~103 — 470 –5 30 6.18×108 2 2 [60] 多层WSe2 横向p-n N2H4 — 105 1.1 635 –5 (Vg = –40 V) 468 2.5×109 4 4 [37] 少层MoSe2 横向p-n PPh3 MoOx (退火) 104 1.2 532 0 1300 — — — [61] 多层WSe2 横向p-n PEI 负栅压 103 1.66 520 0 80 1011 0.2 0.06 [63] 少层WSe2 横向p-n CTAB — 103 1.64 450 –1.5 3×104 1011 7.8 7.7 [64] 多层WSe2 横向p-n — N2O plasma 106 (Vg = –60 V) 3.1 520 1 2490 — 8 30 [66] 多层WSe2 横向p-n — WOx (O2 Plasma) — — 520 1 250 7.7×109 41.8 2289.8 [67] 多层WSe2 横向p-n 正栅压 WOx (laser) — — 633 0 800 — 0.136 0.039 [69] 多层MoTe2 垂直p-n DUV(N2) — 104 1.05 530 0 850 — — — [70] 多层MoTe2 横向p-n DUV(N2) — 2.5×104 ~1 850 0 5500 — 29 38 [71] 少层MoS2 垂直p-n 元素掺杂(Fe) 元素掺杂(Nb) — ~2.5 660 0 25 — 80 80 [86] 单层MoS2 横向n+–n PSS诱导
缺陷修复(n+)—(n) ~150 1.6 575 0 308 — 810 750 [91] 双层MoS2 垂直n+–n PSS诱导
缺陷修复(n+)—(n) 72 1.6 532 0 54.6 — 3100 3800 [92] 多层WSe2 横向p-i-n WSe2–y
(Ar Plasma)WOx(O2 plasma) 106 1.14 450 0 105 2.2×1013 0.000264 0.000552 [68] MoS2 横向单层-多层 — — 103 (Vg = 10 V) 1.95(Vg = 5 V) 470 — 106 7×1010 2 2000 [93] -
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