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Efficient and stable carbon-based CsPbBr3 solar cells added with PEABr additive

Zhong Ting-Ting Zhang Chen Shindume Lomboleni Hamukwaya Xu Wang-Shu Tang Kun-Peng Xu Xiang Sun Wen-Tian Hao Hui-Ying Dong Jing-Jing Liu Hao Xing Jie


Efficient and stable carbon-based CsPbBr3 solar cells added with PEABr additive

Zhong Ting-Ting, Zhang Chen, Shindume Lomboleni Hamukwaya, Xu Wang-Shu, Tang Kun-Peng, Xu Xiang, Sun Wen-Tian, Hao Hui-Ying, Dong Jing-Jing, Liu Hao, Xing Jie
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  • In recent years, organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite solar cells have become a research hotspot in the photovoltaic field because of their excellent power conversion efficiency. However, this hybrid perovskite material's intrinsic instability and the harsh preparation environment limit its further commercial application. All-inorganic CsPbBr3 perovskite materials have attracted much attention because of their good stability, low cost and can be prepared in an atmospheric environment, showing great application potential. The controllable preparation and growth kinetics of CsPbBr3 materials need to be further studied, and the conversion efficiency of photovoltaic devices is still low. Considering the instability caused by traditional organic hole transport materials and their high preparation cost, this work focuses on the systematical studies of CsPbBr3 all-inorganic perovskite cells without a hole transport layer. Growth kinetics material of CsPbBr3 is controlled by adding 2-phenylethylamine bromide to precursor solution. The main research contents and results are described as follows.Based on multi-step spin-coating preparation of CsPbBr3 perovskite films, the perovskite cell preparation method is studied, and the critical process parameters including the spin-coating PbBr2, amount and number of spin-coating of CsBr, substrate preheating temperature, and the annealing temperature, are optimized. The optimization tests show that the optimal spin-coating of CsBr is obtained by being optimized five times and the spin-coating PbBr2 is conducted in the atmospheric environment. The optimal preheating temperature of the substrate is 80 ℃, and the optimal annealing temperature is 100 ℃. The perovskite films prepared under this condition are compact, each with a continuous high phase purity and good crystallization performance.The PbBr2 in DMF is first adopted and the 2-phenylethylamine bromide (PEABr) solution is added to regulate the CsPbBr3 crystalline quality of the film. The effects of PEABr on the perovskite crystallization process and device performance are systematically investigated. The results show that the introduction of PEABr can effectively optimize the CsPbBr3. The crystalline properties of the two-dimensional perovskite materials can improve the grain boundaries and improve their transport properties. The prepared perovskite solar cell with PEABr shows the highest power conversion efficiency of 8.25%, and it can maintain the efficiency of more than 90% when being stored for 1500 h under the condition of no encapsulation. Finally, stable, efficient and low-cost all-inorganic CsPbBr3 solar cells without a hole layer are obtained.
      Corresponding author: Hao Hui-Ying, ; Dong Jing-Jing,
    • Funds: Project supported by the Open Fund Project of Key Laboratory of Semiconductor Materials Science, Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. KLSMS-1901) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 21875223)

    Liao C S, Yu Z L, He P B, Liu B, Zeng R, Wan Q, Cai M Q 2021 J. Colloid Interface Sci. 597 233Google Scholar


    Li Q H, Ding Y F, He P B, Zeng R, Wan Q, Cai M Q 2021 J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 12 3809Google Scholar


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    Yu Z L, Zhao Y Q, Wan Q, Liu B, Yang J L, Cai M Q 2020 J. Phys. Chem. C 124 23052Google Scholar


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    Lee M M, Teuscher J, Miyasaka T, Murakami T N, Snaith H J 2012 Science 338 643Google Scholar


    Jeong J, Kim M, Seo J, et al. 2021 Nature 592 381Google Scholar


    Shi L, Hao H, Dong J, Zhong T, Zhang C, Hao J, Xing J, Liu H 2019 Nanomaterials (Basel) 9 915Google Scholar


    Zhong T, Shi L, Hao H, Dong J, Tang K, Xu X, Hamukwaya S L, Liu H, Xing J 2021 ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 9 13010Google Scholar


    Park B W, Seok S I 2019 Adv. Mater. 31 e1805337Google Scholar


    Zhao Z, Gu F, Rao H, Ye S, Liu Z, Bian Z, Huang C 2019 Adv. Energy Mater. 9 1802671Google Scholar


    Wang P, Zhang X, Zhou Y, Jiang Q, Ye Q, Chu Z, Li X, Yang X, Yin Z, You J 2018 Nat. Commun. 9 2225Google Scholar


    Ding X, Cai M, Liu X, Ding Y, Liu X, Wu Y, Hayat T, Alsaedi A, Dai S 2019 ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 11 37720Google Scholar


    Qiu Z, Li N, Huang Z, Chen Q, Zhou H 2020 Small Methods 4 1900877Google Scholar


    Duan J, Wang Y, Yang X, Tang Q 2020 Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 59 4391Google Scholar


    Yuan H, Zhao Y, Duan J, Wang Y, Yang X, Tang Q 2018 J. Mater. Chem. A 6 24324Google Scholar


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    Guo Z N, Chen S, Wang Z Z, Yang Z Y, Liu F, Xu Y H, Wang J H, Yi Y, Zhang H, Liao L, Chu P K, Yu X F 2017 Adv. Mater. 29 1703811Google Scholar


    Ku Z, Rong Y, Xu M, Liu T, Han H 2013 Sci. Rep. 3 3132Google Scholar


    Zhao F, Guo Y, Wang X, Tao J, Li Z, Zheng D, Jiang J, Hu Z, Chu J 2020 J. Alloys Compd. 842 155984Google Scholar


    Cao X, Zhang G, Cai Y, Jiang L, Chen Y, He X, Zeng Q, Jia Y, Xing G, Wei J 2020 Appl. Surf. Sci. 529 147119Google Scholar


    Gao B, Meng J 2020 Solar Energy 211 1223Google Scholar


    Xu C, Zhang Z, Hu Y, Sheng Y, Jiang P, Han H, Zhang J 2018 J. Energy Chem. 27 764Google Scholar


    Cao X, Zhang G, Jiang L, Cai Y, Wang Y, He X, Zeng Q, Chen J, Jia Y, Wei J 2021 Green Chem. 23 2104Google Scholar


    Duan J, Zhao Y, He B, Tang Q 2018 Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 57 3787Google Scholar


    Ding J, Duan J, Guo C, Tang Q 2018 J. Mater. Chem. A 6 21999Google Scholar


    Li M H, Yeh H H, Chiang Y H, et al. 2018 Adv. Mater. 30 e1801401Google Scholar


    Chen B, Rudd P N, Yang S, Yuan Y, Huang J 2019 Chem. Soc. Rev. 48 3842Google Scholar

  • 图 1  多步旋涂法制备FTO/TiO2/CsPbBr3/carbon结构电池流程图

    Figure 1.  Schematic illustration of FTO/TiO2/CsPbBr3/carbon structure cells prepared by multi-step spin-coating method.

    图 2  旋涂不同CsBr次数所制备的CsPbBr3薄膜的XRD图谱

    Figure 2.  XRD patterns of CsPbBr3 films prepared by spin-coating different times of CsBr.

    图 3  旋涂不同CsBr次数所制备的CsPbBr3薄膜的SEM图 (a) 4层; (b) 5层; (c) 6层; (d) 7层

    Figure 3.  SEM images of CsPbBr3 films prepared by spin-coating different times of CsBr: (a) 4 layers; (b) 5 layers; (c) 6 layers; (d) 7 layers.

    图 4  旋涂不同CsBr次数所制备太阳能电池的J-V曲线

    Figure 4.  J-V curves of solar cells prepared by spin-coating different times of CsBr.

    图 5  在衬底不同预热温度下制备的钙钛矿薄膜SEM图 (a) 不预热; (b) 70 ℃; (c) 80 ℃; (d) 90 ℃

    Figure 5.  SEM images of perovskite films prepared at different preheating temperatures of the substrate: (a) Without preheating; (b) 70 °C; (c) 80 °C; (d) 90 °C.

    图 6  在衬底不同预热温度下制备的钙钛矿电池的J-V曲线

    Figure 6.  J-V curves of solar cells prepared at different preheating temperatures of the substrate.

    图 7  PbBr2层不同退火温度所制备的CsPbBr3薄膜的XRD图谱

    Figure 7.  XRD patterns of CsPbBr3 films prepared by PbBr2 layer at different annealing temperatures.

    图 8  PbBr2层不同退火温度所制备的CsPbBr3薄膜的AFM图 (a) 90 ℃; (b) 100 ℃; (c) 110 ℃

    Figure 8.  AFM diagram of CsPbBr3 films prepared by PbBr2 layer at different annealing temperatures: (a) 90 ℃; (b) 100 ℃; (c) 110 ℃

    图 9  PbBr2层不同退火温度所制备的CsPbBr3太阳能电池的J-V曲线

    Figure 9.  J-V curves of solar cells prepared by PbBr2 layer at different annealing temperatures.

    图 10  PEABr不同添加量所制备的CsPbBr3薄膜的XRD图谱

    Figure 10.  XRD patterns of CsPbBr3 films prepared with different amounts of PEABr.

    图 11  不同PEABr添加量在不同倍率下的SEM图 (a)—(c) 不添加; (d)—(f) 50 µL; (g)—(i) 100 µL; (j)—(l) 150 µL

    Figure 11.  SEM images of different amounts of PEABr at different magnifications: (a)–(c) Without addition; (d)–(f) 50 µL; (g)–(i) 100 µL; (j)–(l) 150 µL.

    图 12  PEABr不同添加量所制备的CsPbBr3的PL谱

    Figure 12.  Photoluminescence spectrum of CsPbBr3 prepared with different amounts of PEABr.

    图 13  PEABr不同添加量所制备电池的 (a) J-V曲线; (b) 空气中稳定性

    Figure 13.  Images of solar cells prepared with different amounts of PEABr: (a) J-V curves; (b) stability in air.

    表 1  旋涂不同CsBr次数所制备太阳能电池的具体参数

    Table 1.  Parameters of solar cells prepared by spin-coating different times of CsBr.

    DownLoad: CSV

    表 2  在衬底不同预热温度下制备的钙钛矿电池的具体参数

    Table 2.  Parameters of solar cells prepared at different preheating temperatures of the substrate.

    70 ℃
    80 ℃
    90 ℃
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 3  PbBr2层不同退火温度所制备的太阳能电池的具体参数

    Table 3.  Parameters of solar cells prepared by PbBr2 layer at different annealing temperatures.

    DownLoad: CSV

    表 4  PEABr不同添加量所制备的CsPbBr3电池的具体参数

    Table 4.  Parameters of solar cells prepared with different amounts of PEABr.

    DownLoad: CSV
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    Li Q H, Ding Y F, He P B, Zeng R, Wan Q, Cai M Q 2021 J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 12 3809Google Scholar


    Liao C S, Yu Z L, He P B, Zhao Y Q, Liu B, Cai M Q 2020 J. Power Sources 478 229078Google Scholar


    Yu Z L, Zhao Y Q, Wan Q, Liu B, Yang J L, Cai M Q 2020 J. Phys. Chem. C 124 23052Google Scholar


    Yu Z L, Zhao Y Q, He P B, Liu B, Yang J L, Cai M Q 2020 J. Phys. Condens. Matter 32 065002Google Scholar


    Lee M M, Teuscher J, Miyasaka T, Murakami T N, Snaith H J 2012 Science 338 643Google Scholar


    Jeong J, Kim M, Seo J, et al. 2021 Nature 592 381Google Scholar


    Shi L, Hao H, Dong J, Zhong T, Zhang C, Hao J, Xing J, Liu H 2019 Nanomaterials (Basel) 9 915Google Scholar


    Zhong T, Shi L, Hao H, Dong J, Tang K, Xu X, Hamukwaya S L, Liu H, Xing J 2021 ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 9 13010Google Scholar


    Park B W, Seok S I 2019 Adv. Mater. 31 e1805337Google Scholar


    Zhao Z, Gu F, Rao H, Ye S, Liu Z, Bian Z, Huang C 2019 Adv. Energy Mater. 9 1802671Google Scholar


    Wang P, Zhang X, Zhou Y, Jiang Q, Ye Q, Chu Z, Li X, Yang X, Yin Z, You J 2018 Nat. Commun. 9 2225Google Scholar


    Ding X, Cai M, Liu X, Ding Y, Liu X, Wu Y, Hayat T, Alsaedi A, Dai S 2019 ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 11 37720Google Scholar


    Qiu Z, Li N, Huang Z, Chen Q, Zhou H 2020 Small Methods 4 1900877Google Scholar


    Duan J, Wang Y, Yang X, Tang Q 2020 Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 59 4391Google Scholar


    Yuan H, Zhao Y, Duan J, Wang Y, Yang X, Tang Q 2018 J. Mater. Chem. A 6 24324Google Scholar


    Wang H, Liu H, Li W, Zhu L, Chen H 2020 Nano Energy 77 105160Google Scholar


    Guo Z N, Chen S, Wang Z Z, Yang Z Y, Liu F, Xu Y H, Wang J H, Yi Y, Zhang H, Liao L, Chu P K, Yu X F 2017 Adv. Mater. 29 1703811Google Scholar


    Ku Z, Rong Y, Xu M, Liu T, Han H 2013 Sci. Rep. 3 3132Google Scholar


    Zhao F, Guo Y, Wang X, Tao J, Li Z, Zheng D, Jiang J, Hu Z, Chu J 2020 J. Alloys Compd. 842 155984Google Scholar


    Cao X, Zhang G, Cai Y, Jiang L, Chen Y, He X, Zeng Q, Jia Y, Xing G, Wei J 2020 Appl. Surf. Sci. 529 147119Google Scholar


    Gao B, Meng J 2020 Solar Energy 211 1223Google Scholar


    Xu C, Zhang Z, Hu Y, Sheng Y, Jiang P, Han H, Zhang J 2018 J. Energy Chem. 27 764Google Scholar


    Cao X, Zhang G, Jiang L, Cai Y, Wang Y, He X, Zeng Q, Chen J, Jia Y, Wei J 2021 Green Chem. 23 2104Google Scholar


    Duan J, Zhao Y, He B, Tang Q 2018 Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 57 3787Google Scholar


    Ding J, Duan J, Guo C, Tang Q 2018 J. Mater. Chem. A 6 21999Google Scholar


    Li M H, Yeh H H, Chiang Y H, et al. 2018 Adv. Mater. 30 e1801401Google Scholar


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Publishing process
  • Received Date:  22 July 2021
  • Accepted Date:  28 September 2021
  • Available Online:  11 January 2022
  • Published Online:  20 January 2022

